Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Let's look at the details:
@Entity annotation specifies that PendingOrder is an entity bean and the access =
AccessType.FIELD member specifies that its fields are mapped
The @Id annotation specifies that the id field stores the primary key and that the
EJB container should pick the most appropriate primary key generation mecha-
nism for the database.
The @Column annotation for the deliveryTime field specifies that it maps to the
The restaurant field has an @ManyToOne annotation, which specifies that the rela-
tionship is many-to-one, and an @JoinColumn , which specifies that the foreign key
column in the PENDING_ORDER table is called RESTAURANT_ID .
The lineItems field has two standard annotations: an @OneToMany annotation,
which specifies that the relationship is one-to-many, and an @JoinColumn attribute,
which specifies that the foreign key in the PENDING_ORDER_LINE_ITEM table is
called PENDING_ORDER_ID . It also has two JBoss extensions: @IndexColumn , which
automatically maintains the index, and @Cascade , which automatically deletes
orphaned children.
The coupon field has an @ManyToOne annotation that specifies that the field is really
a reference to an AbstractCouponImpl . You'll learn why in a moment.
The @Embedded and @AttributeOverride annotations for the deliveryAddress and
paymentInformation fields define the O/R mapping for the fields of the embed-
ded objects.
Implementing the Restaurant entity bean
The Restaurant class is the next class we are going to examine. We must solve two
issues in order to persist this class with EJB 3 . The first is how to persist Restau-
rant.serviceArea , which is of type Set<String> and is not supported by EJB 3 . To
persist this field we must change the serviceArea field to Set<ZipCode> and
define a ZipCode entity, which is a wrapper around a String .
The second problem we must address is how to preserve the ordering of the
menuItem field, which is a List<MenuItem> . As with the PendingOrder.lineItem
field we have two options. We can either add an index field to the MenuItem class
or we can use a vendor-specific extension. Once again I'm going to use the JB oss
extensions to avoid writing extra code.
Here is part of the code for the Restaurant class:
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