Java Reference
In-Depth Information
1 Retrieve the PendingOrder and restaurant by executing a SQL statement
that does an outer join between the PENDING_ORDER and RESTAURANT
2 Retrieve the PendingOrder 's line items by executing a SQL SELECT state-
ment that queries the PENDING_ORDER_LINE_ITEM table.
3 If the PendingOrder has a restaurant, retrieve its menu items by executing
a SQL SELECT statement that retrieves the menu items from the
MENU_ITEM table.
The findPendingOrder() method can load a PendingOrder by calling SqlMapCli-
entTemplate.queryForObject() with the name of the SELECT statement that que-
ries the PENDING_ORDER table and the pending order ID arguments. Moreover,
because i BATIS can be configured to execute queries that retrieve related objects,
that call to queryForObject() can execute additional SELECT statements that
retrieve the line items and menu items. As a result, findPendingOrder() only
needs a single test.
The test shown in listing 9.5 uses a mock SqlMapClientTemplate . It calls find-
PendingOrder() with a pending order ID of 10 and verifies that it calls queryForOb-
ject() with findPendingOrder as the statement name and 10 as arguments. The
test also verifies that findPendingOrder() returns the object that was returned by
queryForObject() .
Listing 9.5
public class PendingOrderDAOIBatisImplMockTests extends
MockObjectTestCase {
private Mock mockSqlMapClientTemplate;
private PendingOrderDAOIBatisImpl dao;
private PendingOrderDTO pendingOrder;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mockSqlMapClientTemplate =
new Mock(SqlMapClientTemplate.class);
SqlMapClientTemplate sqlMapClientTemplate =
(SqlMapClientTemplate) mockSqlMapClientTemplate.proxy();
pendingOrder = new PendingOrderDTO();
B Creates mock objects
dao = new PendingOrderDAOIBatisImpl(sqlMapClientTemplate);
public void testFindPendingOrder() {
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