Java Reference
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The sequence of events is as follows:
The servlet calls the TransactionRetryInterceptor .
The TransactionRetryInterceptor calls the TransactionInterceptor .
The TransactionInterceptor begins a transaction.
The TransactionInterceptor calls the PlaceOrderService .
The PlaceOrderService throws an exception.
The TransactionInterceptor catches the exception and rolls back the
The TransactionRetryInterceptor catches the exception rethrown by the
TransactionInterceptor and calls the TransactionInterceptor .
The second time around, the call to PlaceOrderService via the TransactionIn-
terceptor succeeds.
Using this interceptor is straightforward in a JDO application because the JDO
specification allows a PersistenceManager to be reused after an exception is
thrown. However, retrying a transaction is a lot more difficult in a Hibernate appli-
cation because the Hibernate documentation states that the application must
close the existing Session and open a new one if Hibernate throws an exception.
One solution to this limitation of Hibernate is to use the OpenSessionInView-
Filter in a mode that uses a separate Session for each transaction and data access
operation. This mode, which is known as the deferred close method, is enabled by
setting the singleSession property of the OpenSessionInViewFilter to false .
Each time a transaction is retried a new Session will be opened, which avoids the
problem of Session reuse. Any lazy loading that occurs after the transaction com-
mits will use the Session that was opened at the start of the transaction. The
OpenSessionInViewFilter closes all sessions prior to returning. One drawback
with this approach is that each call to a repository outside of the transaction will
use its own Session , which can be inefficient. In addition to using extra database
connections, it will bypass any session-level caching and use extra database
accesses. You can also end up with objects belonging to multiple sessions, which
can sometimes be confusing.
An alternative approach is to disregard the advice in the Hibernate documen-
tation and to continue to reuse the Session . Spring's HibernateTransactionMan-
ager automatically calls Session.clear() when a transaction is rolled back. In the
current version of Hibernate, this method clears the session-level cache and
ensures that the Session is in a pristine state at the start of the next transaction.
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