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no distinct identity and stored in their parent object's table. The lifetime of each
PendingOrderLineItem , OrderLineItem , and MenuItem object is dependent on its
parent. PendingOrderLineItem and OrderLineItem could be either entities or com-
ponents, but MenuItem needs to be an entity because it is referenced by Pending-
OrderLineItem , OrderLineItem , and Restaurant .
Later in this section, we'll describe these choices in more detail when we look at
how to define the O/R mapping for the various relationships in the domain model.
Configuring object identity
A persistent object has a persistent identity, which is the primary key of the corre-
sponding row the database table. The persistent identity usually consists of a sin-
gle value, which maps to a primary key column. A class can also have a composite
key consisting of multiple properties that map to multiple table columns, but we
don't describe this feature here. In the Hibernate O/R mapping for a class, you
can specify various aspects of its persistent identity, including the primary key col-
umn, whether it is maintained in the object, and whether the application or
Hibernate generates the persistent identity. Let's look at an example.
An example of how to configure the identity
A class's persistent identity is configured using the <id> and <generator> elements
in the mapping document:
<class name="PendingOrder" table="PENDING_ORDER">
<id name="id" column="PENDING_ORDER_ID">
<generator class="native"/>
In this example the <id> and <generator> elements specify the following informa-
tion about the persistent identity of the PendingOrder class:
The PENDING_ORDER_ID column is the primary key for the PENDING_ORDER
The field stores the persistent identity.
Hibernate should generate persistent identifiers using a database-specific
mechanism such as an Oracle sequence or an identity column.
Now that you have seen an example, let's look at the decisions you must make
when configuring Hibernate object identity.
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