Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The constructor takes the class, the query name, and the query parameters as
parameters and stores them in fields.
The equals() method returns true if the type, the query name, and the query
parameters of the two objects are the same.
The doInJdo() method, which is invoked by the JdoTemplate with a Persis-
tenceManager , creates the named query and executes it.
Although this seems like a lot of code to do something so simple, it's important to
remember that this class is reusable and it makes the repository easier to test. Let's
see how.
Writing the mock object test
Once we have defined the ExecuteNamedQueryWithMapCallback class, we can
then write a mock object test for findRestaurants() . This test configures a mock
JdoTemplate to expect its execute() method to be called with an instance of the
class that contains the expected query name and query parameters. Listing 5.5
shows the mock object test for findRestaurants() that does this.
Listing 5.5
public class JDORestaurantRepositoryImplTests extends
MockObjectTestCase {
private Mock mockJdoTemplate;
private JDORestaurantRepositoryImpl repository;
private static final int EXPECTED_MINUTE = 6;
private static final int EXPECTED_HOUR = 5;
private static final int EXPECTED_DAY_OF_WEEK = 3;
Address deliveryAddress;
Date deliveryTime;
B Creates mock objects
and test data
public void setUp() {
mockJdoTemplate =
new Mock(JdoTemplate.class);
repository = new JDORestaurantRepositoryImpl(
(JdoTemplate) mockJdoTemplate.proxy(), null);
restaurant = new Restaurant();
deliveryTime = makeDeliveryTime(EXPECTED_DAY_OF_WEEK,
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