Java Reference
In-Depth Information
getObjectById() : Loads a persistent object by calling JdoTemplate
.getObjectById() .
deletePersistent() : Deletes a persistent object by calling JdoTemplate
These methods make it easier to write tests for persistent objects. See this topic's
online source code for the details of the class.
Testing persistent JDO objects
Now that you have seen an overview of ORMU nit's JDO classes, we'll look at writing
tests for the JDO persistence layer using the testing strategy described in earlier
chapter 4. There are three different sets of tests. The first set of tests verifies we
have correctly implemented the O/R mapping, an excerpt of which is shown in
figure 5.3. These tests verify, for example, that the PendingOrder class is mapped
to the PENDING_ORDER table and that each of its fields is mapped to a column of
that table.
The second set of tests verifies that the database schema matches the O/R map-
ping. The tests verify that every table and column referenced by the mapping
exists in the database schema. The third set of tests verifies that persistent pend-
ing orders can be saved, queried, updated, and deleted. The next section explains
how to implement these tests for the PendingOrder class.
Verifying the O/R mapping
The first test we must write is one that verifies that the PendingOrder class is
mapped correctly to the database. Here is a simple test for the PendingOrder class:
public class FoodToGoDomainMappingTests extends JDOMappingTests {
public void testSimple() throws Exception {
assertClassMapped(PendingOrder.class, "PENDING_ORDER");
The test extends the ORMU nit class JDOMappingTests . It calls assertClass-
Mapped() to verify that PendingOrder is mapped to the PENDING_ORDER table
and then calls assertAllFields() to verify that all of PendingOrder 's fields are
mapped to the database.
This test only verifies that each field is mapped to the database. If you need to
verify that each field is mapped to the correct column, then you can write a more
elaborate test that calls methods such as assertField() . Here's an example:
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