Java Reference
In-Depth Information
is a class that parses XML metadata files, instantiates metadata objects, and stores
them in a MetaDataManager class that acts as a repository of the metadata.
ORMU nit can then use the information contained in the metadata objects to
make assertions about the object/relational mapping. Similarly, the assertData-
baseSchema() method calls SchemaTool.validateSchema() , which is a JPOX
class that reads the XML mapping data and throws an exception if tables or col-
umns are missing from the database schema.
Listing 5.1
public class JPOXMappingStrategy implements
JDOMappingTestsStrategy {
private MetaDataManager mdm;
private ClassMetaData cmd;
private final String jdoProperties;
private final String[] metadataFiles;
public JPOXMappingStrategy(String jdoProperties,
String[] metadataFiles) throws Exception {
this.jdoProperties = jdoProperties;
this.metadataFiles = metadataFiles;
mdm = createMetaDataManager();
B Gets
the JDO metadata
private MetaDataManager createMetaDataManager()
throws Exception {
mdm = new MetaDataManager();
for (int i = 0; i < metadataFiles.length; i++) {
String fileName = metadataFiles[i];
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
FileMetaData fmdUtil =
true, mdm, fileName);
return mdm;
private void assertClassMapped(Class type, String table) {
cmd = mdm.getMetaDataForClass(type);
assertEquals(table, cmd.getTable());
C Verifies the
class mapping
protected void assertDatabaseSchema()
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, Exception {
FileInputStream fis =
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