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business logic. In addition, development, testing, and maintenance are easier
because the business logic is decoupled from the database.
Improved performance
Using an ORM framework also improves performance. The framework caches
objects, which reduces the number of database accesses. In addition, features such
as eager loading mean that the persistence framework can generate SQL state-
ments that are often much more efficient than those hand-written by developers.
Furthermore, unlike a developer, an ORM framework can do this consistently.
Improved portability
In addition to increasing productivity and performance, an ORM framework
increases portability across databases. The framework takes care of generating the
database-specific SQL statements, and migrating from one database to another is
usually as simple as setting a configuration parameter. In comparison, writing por-
table SQL by hand is extremely difficult.
Sometimes you must use SQL directly
Despite the benefits of an ORM framework, using SQL directly is sometimes the
only way to get good performance. You can use database-specific features such as
optimizer hints or Oracle's CONNECT feature to improve the performance of que-
ries. In addition, SQL lets you insert, delete, or update a large number of rows
with a single SQL statement. For example, an INSERT statement such as the follow-
ing inserts the results of querying one table into another table:
In comparison, an ORM framework would typically have to perform the following
Execute a query, which returns a set of objects that are mapped to
Create objects that are mapped to DESTINATION_TABLE .
Save those objects.
This would be very inefficient if the query returned a large number of rows. As
well as transferring the data from the database to the application and back again,
there is also the overhead of manipulating the Java objects.
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