Biology Reference
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FIGURE 11-31.
COSIN2NL analysis of the noisy nonstationary data series originally presented in Figure 11-15, in
which detrending by DTRNDANL was performed prior to rhythms analysis.
the wild-type hamster's post-transplant locomotor data (bottom
panel, Figure 11-9) and the effect of SCN transplantation on the
functioning of its circadian clock. The approach that we describe here
is just one of many possible ways to analyze the data, and we encourage
the reader to examine alternative strategies.
The data files (WT.NO, TAUSS.NO, and TRNSPLNT.NO) and
the outputs of numerous analyses utilizing some or combinations of
some of the algorithms we describe in this chapter can be downloaded
from our Web site (see Internet Resources at the end of this chapter).
To begin with, we use FFT-NLLS to identify the periodic components.
A summary of the output for each of the files is presented in
Figure 11-35.
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