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Compute the tolerance t for sequence S1 with r
0.2. What is the
tolerance for sequence S2 if r
Now suppose we have determined a tolerance value t. We say
the subsequences (a,b) and (a 0 ,b 0 ) are matches if |a
a 0 | <t
b 0 | <t(i.e., if the distance between each component differs by
less than the tolerance). In a regular sequence, if subsequences (a,b) and
(a 0 ,b 0 ) are matches, it is likely the sequences (a,b,c) and (a 0 ,b 0 ,c 0 ) will also
be matches. Conversely, if the time series is irregular, having matches of
length 2 is not necessarily a precursor to matches of length 3. The
following definition of SampEn generalizes this observation.
and |b
For a fixed integer m, SampEn is defined as the negative natural
logarithm of the ratio A/B, where A
number of matches of length
number of matches of length m (see Figure 6-11). For
those familiar with calculating conditional probabilities, the quantity
A/B is precisely the conditional probability that two sequences within a
tolerance r for m points remain within r of each other at the next point.
Because the computation of SampEn depends on the order of the data
points in the RRI time series, SampEn is a true time-dependent measure,
capturing temporal complexity in sequences of data. ApEn is defined
similarly, but it counts self-matches as well (see Pincus [1991] for
1, and B
Notice that parameters m and r are critical in determining the value of
SampEn. It is, in fact, more appropriate to use the notation SampEn
SampEn(m, r) to reflect the dependence. However, no guidelines exist for
optimizing their values, and this is a shortcoming in the current theory.
Bars are
r (S.D.)
A = number of matches of length m+1
B = number of matches of length m
ApEn ≈− ln (1+A)/(1+ B )
SampEn = ln A/ B
For regular, repeating data, A/ B nears 1 and entropy
nears 0.
FIGURE 6-11.
Defining sample entropy of RRIs. (Courtesy of Dr. J. Randall Moorman, University of Virginia.)
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