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options it is assumed that for Option A, Option C and Option D the value of
this indicator is 100, 200 and 400 gr/kWh respectively. Technological Indicator Change - TIC
There are a number of technological indicators used for the assessment of
technology changes. Among these are: the risk of potential change in the
technology, the potential hazards resulting from the outage of the individual
energy source expressed in Billion €, the potential losses due to energy
conflict among parties involved in the energy supply system, expressed in
Billion €. In this analysis, as the technological indicator change, the capital for
development indicator is used. Its maximum numerical value is 390 €/kW [15]
( while its minimum value is zero. The indicator change for options A, B and D
is 130, 260 and 390 €/kW respectively. Social Indicator Change - SIC
New Job opening is considered as the social indicator change [16]. In this
analysis the maximum value of this indicator is 6.6 Jobs/kW while its
minimum value is zero. The changes for Option A, B and C are 6.6, 3,3, 1.75
Jobs/kW, respectively.
The Resilience Index of energy system is a characteristic parameter, which
is used for the assessment of the energy system resilience. The multi-criteria
assessment method is used for the evaluation of options under consideration
The demonstration of assessment is presented by the analysis of the
following cases.
1. CASE 1
Priority given to the following criteria: EcIC > EnIC = TIC = SIC
2. CASE 2
Priority given to the following criteria: EnIC > EcIC = TIC = SIC
3. CASE 3
Priority given to the following criteria: TIC > EcIC = EnIC = = SIC
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