Environmental Engineering Reference
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The Case 3 is defined with the sudden change of the Product Cost. It
results in the priority list having Option 3 at the first place and followed by
Options 2, 1 and 4. It can be noticed that there is substantial difference in
comparison with the Case 2.
Figure 32. Graphical Presentation of the Priority List for the Case 4.
Case 4:
MP > IC = CP = PC
If the sudden change of the Manpower indicator is used as the priority
indicator in this Case then the priority list will be: Option 4, Option 3, Option
2 and Option1. In this case the catastrophic event is with the sudden change of
Manpower the priority list is: having negligible difference of the Resilience
index. This imply that the Resilience index for Option 4 and Option 3 are the
same. Under this condition the management system may have two potential
causes for the overriding Maximum change leading to the catastrophic events.
Table 12. Option Rating List
Resilience Index
Option 2
Option 3
Option 1
Option 4
The Resilience Index is the stability parameter of any system and can be
used as the measuring parameter for the assessment of the potential hazard
events. As regards the management system analysis it prove that the most
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