Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Normalization of indicators
Determination of the average values for the weighting coefficients for
the option which meet specific constrain
Determination of the total resiliency index for every specific constrain
Formation of the Rating list among options under consideration
The graphic presentation for the online processing of the resilience index
is given on the figure 23
Figure 27. Schematic presentation of online processing.
3.7.4. Demonstration of Resilience Index Monitoring
The monitoring of individual indicators is performed by the respective
instrument. It is anticipated that instruments are calibrated to appropriate scale
for individual unites. Signal processing includes a following operation:
instrument calibration, signal digitalisation and signal acquisition within the
respective time increment and calculation of the resilience indicator.
Following the determination of the resilience index in the appropriate time
period reflecting sudden change of the individual period the agglomerated
value of the total resilience will be monitored.
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