Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
3.4.3. Demonstration of the Resilience High Voltage
Transmission Cases
Resilience engineering is applied in a number of system in order to justify
potential stability limits which may lead to the catastrophic events [13,14].
The resilience of the high voltage transmission system is the capacity of the
system to withstand the sudden change of the internal or external parameters
of the system. It reflects the quality of the system measured by the appropriate
changes of the indicators. The potential possibility of the high voltage
transmission system is to reach limits leading to the catastrophic events require
the investigation of the cases which might be the qualitative measure of the
stability of the system. As regards the high voltage transmission system a
number of parameters is taken as the specific indicators for the definition of
the potential changes to be used for the verification of the individual cases. Options under Consideration
In this analysis a following options are taken into a consideration :
Change of Electricity Cost
The electricity cost sub-indicator is one of the economic indicators which
is subject to sudden changes due to market fluctuation. It is usually expressed
in the Euro/kWh reflecting the market change of the economic environment. It
is anticipated to design the maximum potential change electricity cost to be
expressed in ΔEuro/Euro. In this analysis the maximum value of electricity
cost sub-indicator is 20%.of the standard electricity cost .
b. Change of Investment Cost
The construction cost of the high voltage transmission lines is subject to
time change due to the increase of the material, manpower and capital cost.
These changes are followed by the expenses expressed in ΔEuro/Investment
cost. These expenses are normalised by the maximum change of the capital
Change of Ice Layer
Due tot o adverse climate in the vicinity of the high voltage transmission
line there is potential possibility for the formation of the ice layer on the power
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