Environmental Engineering Reference
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honesty and tolerance. Both ceremonies involve the engineer being given a ring to
remind them of their vows and responsibility to the general public.
The question of an engineering oath was presented in a recent issue of the
Engineering and Technology magazine (Goodyer 2012 ). An oath for software
engineers has been proposed (Laplante 2004 ), involving not doing harm, not using
tools or practices they do not understand, expanding skills and understanding,
maintaining confi dentiality, aiding stakeholders, devoting themselves to their projects
and maintaining and raising the standard of the profession. A Hippocratic oath was
also discussed by Bitay et al. ( 2005 ). Although they do not propose a specifi c text,
they do quote the text of a poem found on the wall of a site engineer's hut in 1995
during a visit of the president of the Institution of Civil Engineers and suggest that
this is a form of engineering oath. It is quoted in part below, partly on account of its
poetic form despite the gender-specifi c language. Unfortunately the author(s) are
not known.
I take the magic which comes from dreams
and apply the magic of science and mathematics
adding the heritage of my profession
and my knowledge of Nature's materials
to create a design.
I am an Engineer.
I serve mankind
By making dreams come true.
Pluralist Theories and Approaches
Process-Oriented Theories and Approaches
The Case Approach
The case approach is the art of analysing particular cases, using abstract principles,
maxims or rules, in order to derive more general principles or rules which can then
be applied to other more complicated cases or general cases of the particular type.
It generally involves:
1. Describing the case in appropriate detail.
2. Giving the case a label or name.
3. Fitting the case into a taxonomy or structured set of responses to paradigm cases.
4. Determining where the new case fi ts in the continuum from cases with ethically
acceptable responses to cases with unacceptable responses.
The advantages of the case approach include its immediate practical applications
and not requiring a knowledge of theory. In addition, the comparison with real
examples may help to clarify the issues and problems in a way that is easy to get to
grips with for people with little knowledge of or interest in ethical theories.
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