Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Evaluation of the Systemic Ethical Issues Illustrated
by the Case Studies
Basic Motivations of PoPs
In accordance with the rhetoric of the political and economic system, PoPs were
established in order to act for the benefit of the people of Poland. However, in prac-
tice, there were few restrictions on their power, and the WPR system authorities
rarely checked the use they made of this power. Consequently, PoPs frequently took
advantage of their subordinates.
However, in successful firms, particularly those working in emerging technologi-
cal domains, such as Elwro, local PoPs realised that they had to let competent peo-
ple work to develop some products in order to obtain greater benefits. Therefore,
they usually refrained from interfering with the leading designers in charge of tech-
nical projects until these products had been successfully commissioned. However,
the PoP in Case Study 3 was both impatient and incompetent, even from the per-
spective of the WRP system. It acted too early and consequently production of the
KON-10 computer was not started and the benefits to the PoP and WPR system
were very significantly reduced.
When a firm, such as Elwro, successfully implemented a new product, the fol-
lowing benefits generally resulted:
1. Financial benefits: An implementation bonus was generally paid for the success-
ful implementation of products. The amount depended on the official evaluation
of the product benefits. It was not an enormous sum (the equivalent of less than
αΎ¬100 thousand today between about a dozen people) but equally not trivial and
considered worthy of action by some PoPs. The lists of recipients of implementa-
tion bonuses are full of PoPs, but actual leading designers are rarely represented.
2. Possible promotion: This benefit was more important to PoPs than immediate
financial benefits, since it could lead to an increase in their influence. The posi-
tion in the hierarchy was very important to PoPs and could result in financial
benefits. However, in the COMECON countries, money was not able to buy
desired positions.
3. The recognition of being the creator of an important product: This benefit was
particularly important for PoPs, especially in the case of the new technology
products designed and manufactured by firms such as Elwro. This could lead to
high popularity or even glory, which could result in significant financial benefits
and promotion.
PoP Actions
When it was clear that a new technology product was successful, generally after it
was successfully commissioned, PoPs took action to achieve the benefits listed in
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