Environmental Engineering Reference
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Problem 2.1
From Figure 2.1 determine the rate of growth r (%/y) of energy consumption for the years 1970-
2000. For the industrial countries use a linear least-square fit through the data points. Use the
intercept at 1970 as a base. For the developing countries use an exponential fit, Q
Q 0 exp
Problem 2.2
From Table 2.1 produce a bar chart of energy use per capita (GJ/cap y) for the listed countries.
Draw a dashed line through the bars at the level of the world's average per capita energy use. Do
the same for energy use per dollar of GDP (MJ/$GDP).
Problem 2.3
From Figure 2.3 determine the rate of growth r (%/y) for coal, oil, and natural gas for the years
1970-2000. For coal use a linear least-square fit through the data points with the intercept at 1970
as a base; for oil and gas use an exponential fit.
Problem 2.4
From Table 2.2 produce a bar chart of carbon emissions (kg C/cap y) for the listed countries. Draw
a dashed line through the bars at a level of the world's average carbon emissions. Do the same
for carbon emissions in kg C/$GDP with a dashed line for the average of (a) the United States,
Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, and New Zealand and
(b) Russia, China, India, Indonesia, and Mexico. Why is the average emission per $GDP so much
lower for the group of countries (a) and so much higher for countries (b)?
Problem 2.5
Based on Figure 2.8, draw linear best fit lines through the data points of U.S. energy consump-
tion (Q/y) for the years 1973-1996 for the three sectors: industry, residential-commercial and
transportation. Determine the rate of growth or decline in %/y, using the intercept at 1973 as a base.
Problem 2.6
By consulting the relevant literature, try to give realistic estimates of energy savings, in percent,
in the U.S. residential sector for appliances, lighting, space heat, water heat, and air conditioning
over the next 20 years.
Problem 2.7
Do the same for U.S. personal automobiles including sport utility vehicles (SUV). Use available
literature and Chapter 8 for your estimates.
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