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performs the matching among graphs and finally the Annotator which allows the
user to semantically annotate the target API with concepts from the functional
ontology. This work represents a contribute to facilitate software development in
cloud scenario, since in cloud computing environment there are many APIs and
services offered by different providers and big efforts are needed both to port
applications in the cloud and to migrate from one provider to another. Future
work planned includes the introduction of reasoning to extract additional knowl-
edge based on inferential rules running on the acquired knowledge base and on
optimization of the adopted graph matching algorithms for the specific graph
representations of API components. Natural Language Processing techniques
for ontology extraction, already developed by one of the authors [19], [20] are
planned to be integrated, in order to deal with entire software artifacts which in-
clude natural language components (specification requirements, documentation,
Acknowledgements. The research leading to these results has received funding
from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-
2013) under grant agreement n 256910 (mOSAIC Project), and by the Italian
Ministry of University and Research, PRIN programme (project Cloud@Home).
We would like to thank Manuela Serrao (Second University of Naples) who has
implemented part of the Matchmaking algorithms.
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4. Eberhart, A., Argawal, S.: SmartAPI - Associating Ontologies and APIs for Rapid
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5. Bontcheva, K., Sabou, M.: Learning Ontologies from Software Artifacts: Exploring
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6. Na, H.-S., Choi, O.-H., Lim, J.-E.: A Metamodel-Based Approach for Extracting
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7. Na, H.S., Choi, O.H., Lim, J.E.: A Method for Building Domain Ontologies based
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332-338 (2006)
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