Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
The relay board (again, shown in the following image) operates at 5V DC and comes with the
circuitry described earlier in this secion. We can make use of the board by powering up the
board using a 5V power supply and connecing the GPIO pins to the pins highlighted in red.
As explained earlier, the relay can be energized by seing the GPIO pin to high.
A relay board
Objective complete - mini debriefing
In this secion, we discussed controlling decoraive lights and other holiday appliances by
running a Python script on the Raspberry Pi. Let's move on to the next secion to set up the
digitally addressable RGB LED strip!
Setting up the digitally addressable
RGB matrix
In this secion, we will talk about seing up opions available for LED lighing. We will
discuss two types of LED strips, namely analog RGB LED strips and digitally-addressable
RGB LED strips.
As we discussed the first one in detail in the previous chapter, we will skip it and move
on to the second kind. A sample of the digitally addressable RGB LED strip is shown in
the image that follows:
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