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sb = Serial.read();
serInString[serInIndx] = sb;
BlinkM_playScript( BlinkM_addr,serInString[0]-48,0,0 );
Objective complete - mini debriefing
In this secion, we discussed the overall control of the weather clock and its interface to the
Internet. We also discussed the interfacing of the sensors and displaying the weather data.
Mission accomplished
In this project, we discussed interfacing an Arduino with the Raspberry Pi. This was followed
by an example of construcing a weather clock. We demonstrated the Arduino as a low-level
controller that interfaces actuators, sensors, and display devices while the Raspberry Pi is
interfaced with the Internet. I hope you enjoyed the project!
Hotshot challenge
In this example, the city locaion was hard-coded into the Python script. It is possible to display
the weather data based on the zipcode / city locaion. What could the input device be?
How can this be achieved?
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