Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Item Price
7-Segment Backpack ( http://www.adafruit.com/product/879 ) US$10
A 8x8 LED Matrix backpack (optional ( http://www.adafruit.com/
product/871 ))
BlinkM (optional)
12V, 1A DC wall transformer (optional ( https://www.sparkfun.com/
products/8579 ))
Total cost
US$ 122 approx.
Engage thrusters
The Weasley clock could be easily assembled with parts machined with a laser cuter.
Laser cutting is a process where parts are machined/engraved/cut using a
high-power laser beam in a controlled environment.
The laser cutter is widely used for prototyping purposes. The design files for
laser cutting are available along with this topic code bundle.
In this example, the dial of the weather clock is cut from the acrylic and the
design includes mounting holes for the clock as well as the stepper motor.
The weather keywords are engraved and machined using wood sheets. The
assembly of the keywords and the dial are shown in the following figure:
Partial assembly of the Weasley Clock
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