Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Installation of the Raspberry Pi
We will get started by using a remote login client such as PuTTY to remotely log in to the
Raspberry Pi and install the Adafruit WebIDE. In order to get started with examples from the
Adafruit repository, we need a Bitbucket account, and Adafruit provides detailed instrucions
for th is at http://learn.adafruit.com/webide/getting-st arted .
Engage thrusters
Once we have logged in, the Adafruit learning system's website recommends
execuing the following to install the web server:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adafruit/Adafruit-WebIDE/
master/scripts/install.sh | sudo sh
2. It should take about ive minutes to inish the installaion. If the installaion
was successful, we should be able to see the message marked in the
following screenshot:
Successful completion of the Adafruit WebIDE installation
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