Hardware Reference
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When the keyboard and the mouse are connected, we can get started by powering up the
Raspberry Pi!
Once the Raspberry Pi is powered up, the operaing system boots up to Raspi-conig . The
raspi-config is the tool used to set up desktop opions, keyboard seings, storage
seings, and so on. The Raspi-conig screen is shown in the following screenshot:
The Raspi-config screen
In this secion, we will discuss each feature of the raspi-config tool:
F info : As the name suggests, this secion gives the general informaion about
the tool.
F expand_rootfs : While the SD card is lashed with the operaing system image, the
SD card is pariioned just about the size of the image. This command aids to expand
the pariion so that the remaining space can be used for ile storage.
F overscan : This is an opion used when the Raspberry Pi is connected to
the television.
F configure_keyboard : This opion is used to conigure the change_type opion
of the keyboard.
F change_pass : The default password is raspberry , and if necessary, this opion lets
you switch to a stronger password.
F change_locale : The opion lets you change the language preferences.
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