Hardware Reference
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The devices enumerated on the machine will be listed as shown in the following screenshot:
Storage devices identified by the operating system
Unmount the SD card
In the previous example, the /dev/sdb5 path is the storage device of interest. There may
be more than one storage device that might be connected to a machine. We need to make
sure that we have ideniied the right device. Once we have ideniied the device, it has to be
unmounted using the following command:
umount /dev/sdb
Flash the SD card
Now, we will flash our SD card using the following command:
dd bs=4M if=~/2012-09-18-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdb
The if= argument points to the locaion of the image and of= refers to the SD card
mount point. The write operaion takes a while to complete and it is ready for use
on the Raspberry Pi upon compleion.
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