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#5 The Thingbox project
The ThingBox Project ( http://thethingbox.io/ ) is a tool that allows you to enable
projects that are related to the Internet of Things on Raspberry Pi. It is a set of tools that
allows you to interface sensors and appliances to the Internet, available as an OS image that
can be flashed on to an SD card and run on Raspberry Pi. One of the tools available with
the ThingBox Project is Node-RED ( http://nodered.org ) . The Node-RED tool (shown in
following screenshot), in fact, is a graphical interface tool that eliminates the need for you to
program to control the devices connected to your Pi. As the name suggests, any applicaion
is built using nodes and the control flow is shown by connected wires.
A Hello world project using Node-RED
Remotely logging in the Raspberry Pi
from anywhere on the Internet
A co mpany called Weaved ( http://www.weaved.com/ ) has released a tool that is sill
under beta tesing while wriing this topic. It enables you to remotely log in to Raspberry Pi
that is connected to the Internet from anywhere on the Web (apart from a local network).
There is also a tutorial to in stall and use the tool ( https://www.juicypi.io/access-
your-raspberry-pi-anywhere-in -the-world-using-weaved/ ). This enables
remote control/data collecion.
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