Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
This project has been presented as an example to help a person
enhance the quality of life for their animal friends. This project should
not be construed as a replacement of human interacion for our animal
friends. We totally understand that pets ease the stress in our lives and
this project presents some examples to make their lives beter.
Why is it awesome?
We are demonstraing the capabiliies of the Raspberry Pi while building a pet monitor.
This can be adopted in any applicaion where there needs to be exchange of informaion
between devices. This project demonstrates the use of the Raspberry Pi in the beterment
of our lives from another perspecive. Our pets and other feral friends (for example, birds
or feral cats) that visit us are our family members and we try our best to take care of them.
Our goal in this project is to make the Raspberry Pi do our job beter.
Your objectives
In this project, we will explore the following topics:
F Installing and tesing the python-twisted framework
F Seing up and tesing Spark Core to interact with appliances
F Installing and tesing the Google Coder project on the Raspberry Pi
F A brief overview of a bird feeder that triggers a camera
Mission checklist
For this project, we will need:
1. A Raspberry Pi plus SD card (at least 4GB in size)
Any one of the following boards:
An Arduino Ethernet board
( http://arduino.cc/en/Main/arduinoBoardE thernet )
A Spark Core board ( https://www.sp ark.io/ )
An Arduino Uno plus ESP826 6 board ( http://www.banggood.com/
Module-p-947 259.html )
A few resistors and LEDs to test things out
A USB web camera or the Rapberry Pi's camera module
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