Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
H Bridge chip - for example, L293D ( http://www.
pololu.com/product/24 )
An acrylic sheet (preferably 12 inch x 24 inch to cut the
chassis using a laser cutter)
A USB battery pack (preferably 10,000 mAh, 1A max output) 15 USD
A poster board
Pi Plate from Adafruit Industries ( https://www.
adafruit.com/product/801 )
15 USD
Assembly of the Pi Plate for the line
following robot
The Pi Plate is necessary only if you are going to build your own circuitry
(instead of an off-the-shelf robot kit) that drives the robot.
We will make use of the Pi Plate from Adafruit Industries. The Pi Plate is stackable and
an add-on hardware for the Raspberry Pi. The Pi Plate is like a breadboard/perforated
prototyping board and enables prototyping using the Raspberry Pi plaform. We will
assemble the headers on the board.
Prepare for lift off
The Pi Plate is available from Adafruit Industries ( www.adafruit.com ). It costs 15.95
USD. This stackable add-on hardware is useful because the sensors and actuators can
be connected using the screw-in terminals. This will avoid any loose connecions to your
Raspberry Pi while the robot is in moion.
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