Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
The installation procedure for OpenCV on the Raspberry Pi has been
borrowed from http://mitchtech.net/raspberry-pi-opencv/ and
the OpenCV installation guide for Linux ( http://docs.opencv.org/doc/
tutorials/introduction/linux_install/linux_install.html ).
Before we get started with the installation process, the dependencies for
OpenCV need to be installed. The dependencies can be installed using the
following shell script available along with this project:
sh OpenCVInstall.sh
Once the dependencies have been installed, we can get started with the
OpenCV installation. The source files to install OpenCV can be downloaded
from http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/
opencv-unix/2.4.10/opencv-2.4.10.zip .
We need to extract the downloaded source:
unzip opencv-2.4.10.zip
The next step is the makefile generation using CMake . The library has to be
compiled with Python support that enables application development using
a Python script library and support.
cd opencv-2.4.5
mkdir build
cd build
Once the makefile has been generated successfully, OpenCV can be built
and installed as follows:
sudo make install
Once the library has been installed, we need to test whether the installation
was successful by executing one of the Python samples available in OpenCV:
cd ~/opencv-2.4.5/samples/python
python delaunay.py
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