Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
Cost (approximate)
A digitally addressable RGB LED strip (Adafruit or Banggood. Link to
sources of LED provided in the previous project).
16.00/meter USD
A wooden dowel rod (source: any hobby store).
2.00 USD
An acrylic sheet (source: any home improvement store).
12.00 USD
Mounting accessories (scotch tape and so on).
10.00 USD
In this task, we will get started with assembling the water fountain for our project. The
fountain assembly is a simple three-step process. There are several resources available
online to build a desktop fountain using raw materials available at home (a somewhat
simple tutorial on building a tabletop fountain using a submersible from a pet store:
http://www.instructables.com/id/Table-Fountain/ ) . We will look into an
example using an off-the-shelf DIY fountain kit in this step.
Prepare for lift off
If the reader is not able to gain access to a DIY fountain kit, the following items are required:
F A basin (preferably opaque so that it diffuses light)
F A fountain/submersible pump from a pet shop
F Pebbles and gravel
F Decoraive accessories available from aquariums
These items could be purchased from a hobby shop or an aquarium supplies store.
Engage thrusters
The DIY tabletop fountain kit comes with a basin that has a provision to run the
fountain pump's cable out of the basin through a sealed outlet.
A basin with a sealed electrical outlet
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