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Objective complete - mini debriefing
We have writen a simple web page that interfaces a Christmas tree and RGB tree and plays
MP3 files. This is a great project for a holiday weekend.
It is possible to view this web page from anywhere on the Internet and turn these appliances
on/off (Fans of the TV show Big Bang Theory might like this idea. A step-by-step instrucion
on seing it up is available at http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2013/06/
connecting-to-raspberry-pi-from-outside.html ) .
Mission accomplished
In this project, we have accomplished the following:
F Interfacing the RGB matrix
F Interfacing AC appliances to Raspberry Pi
F Design of a web page
F Interfacing devices to the web page
We used examples to demonstrate the capabiliies of enhancing the fesive decoraion using
the Raspberry Pi. It is deinitely possible to enhance this project using our creaivity.
You can find web.py tutorials at http://webpy.github.io/docs/0.3/tutorial .
The Python Pit - Drive your Raspberry Pi with a mobile phone , MagPi February 2013 ediion ,
page 34, ( http://www.themagpi.com/issue/issue-9/article/the-python-pit-
drive-your-raspberry-pi-with-a-mobile-phone/ )
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