Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 1. Induction of Fos protein by dopamine D1 receptor-selective agonist
SKF-81297 in striatal slice culture. (A) Immunostaining of Fos protein showing
induction of Fos by SKF-81297 (100 n M ) in striosomes of striatal slice culture
derived from newborn rat brain. The slice was cultured for 3 d before treatment
with SKF-81297. The bracketed region in A is shown at higher magnifi cation in C .
Clusters of Fos-positive nuclei (examples at asterisks ) that represent striosomal loci
are distributed through the striatum. Fos-positive nuclei are also present in the medial
compartment (MC). (B) Photomicrograph of Fos immunostained striatal slice that
was cultured for 3 d in parallel with the slice shown in A , but was pretreated with the
D1-selective dopamine receptor antagonist, SCH-23390 (1
M ), before SKF-81297
treatment. The SCH-23390 pretreatment blocks the striatal Fos induction by SKF-81297.
The bracketed region in B is shown at higher magnification in D . AC, Anterior
commissure. Scale bar in B (for A and B ) indicates 500
m. Scale bar in D (for C
and D ) indicates 100
m. (Reproduced from Liu et al. [7] with permission. © 1995
The Society for Neuroscience.)
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