Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Table 1
Major Clinical and Neuropathological Features of Human PD
Major types of symptomatology
Characteristic features in human PD
Motor defi cits
Rigidity, bradykinesia, resting tremor, gait
Progressive nigral cell death
Gradual loss of TH-immunoreactive,
dopaminergic neurons in the substantia
nigra pars compacta
Depletion of DA transmission
Reduced level of striatal terminal DA, its
metabolites and uptake transporter;
clinically responsive to DA prodrug,
Detection of postmortem Lewy bodies
Concentric, intracytoplasmic inclusion
bodies with a dense core, a peripheral
halo, and radiating neurofi laments;
immunoreactive to proteins such as
-synuclein and ubiquitin, and
contains lipids
model should exhibit as many of the phenotypic features of the disease as
possible. These features should include (1) persistent depletion of close to
80% of the striatal DA and its metabolites, (2) pronounced reduction of striatal
sites for DA uptake, (3) signifi cant (near 50%) loss of substantia nigral cells,
(4) marked defi cit in the animal's motor performance, and (5) formation and
accumulation of inclusion bodies in nigral neurons.
There are several existing experimental models of PD, which have been
developed and characterized for specifi c purposes and used in studies that
examine certain symptomatology of PD or for determining the underlying
mechanisms. These models include the unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine lesion
rat produced by the chemical-induced degeneration of DA neurons (19 , 20)
and Parkinsonism induced pharmacologically either by depleting the stored
DA from nerve terminals (e.g., reserpine) or by blocking the postsynaptic DA
receptors using neuroleptic drugs (e.g., haloperidol, phenothiazines) (21) . Other
models have been reported by using insecticides/pesticides (e.g., rotenone)
(22 , 23) or herbicides (e.g., paraquat) (24 , 25) . Transgenic models have also
been generated in the fruit fl y, Drosophila melanogaster (26) , and the mouse
(27) . These transgenic models overexpress human
-synuclein, a constituent
of Lewy bodies.
As mentioned earlier, MPTP neurotoxicity in humans is irreversible and
the resulting clinical and biochemical profi les closely resemble those of the
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