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The ethnographer has a vast array of specific theories from which to choose.
Each theory has application for specific topics and is uninformative or mislead-
ting on the vine. Most researchers, explicitly or implicitly, use one of two types
of theory:ideational or materialistic. Ideational theories suggest that fundamen-
tal change is the result of mental activity—thoughts and ideas. Materialists
believe that material conditions—ecological resources, money, and modes of
sonality, and specific needs or questions of interest.
Cognitive theory is the most popular ideational theory in anthropology
driven (ethnosemantic) techniques, we can create taxonomies of how people
view the world. For example, we may learn from Eskimos about their concep-
tion of snow—specifically, that they identify many types of snow within the
ideas, cognitive maps, beliefs, and knowledge. Classic ideational theories in
theory), sociolinguistics (Cazden, 1979; Gumperz, 1972; Heath, 1982), sym-
bolic interactionism (Blumer, 1969), and ethnomethodology (Bogdan &
Taylor, 1998; Garfinkel, 1967; Mehan, 1987; Mehan & Wood, 1975).
In contrast, ethnographers who adopt materialist theories view the world
according to observable behavior patterns. A limited but classic political and
theory assumes that all change results from shifts in the modes of production
and in the control over these modes. Economic forces, class consciousness,
change. Other materialist approaches in anthropology include technoenviron-
mentalism (Harris, 1971) and cultural ecology (Geertz, 1963; Steward, 1973).
I found many theories useful in my study of a national program for
dropouts—the Career Intern Program (CIP). Both static and dynamic theories
were necessary to understand what was going on.A static functionalist theory
(Geertz, 1957; Radcliffe-Brown, 1952; Vogt, 1960), combined with the static
equilibrium model (Gluckman, 1968), was useful in creating a descriptive
baseline. A structural functionalist approach made the structure and function
of the schools and their relationship to the various government and quasi-
government institutions easy to map. The equilibrium model allowed me to
hold everything still, as if the situation were in stasis for a moment, to identify
where everyone stood in the picture. The theory and the model used were
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