Environmental Engineering Reference
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to help document our work, making it transparent and open to the community
members we work with throughout the world. For example, on the Arkansas
tobacco prevention project, we use a blog to share pictures and record agree-
ments. This documents our work in an ongoing manner (which is especially
helpful for donors and new participants). It also engenders trust in the com-
munity because it is an open window to our deliberations, interviews, and
activities (see Figure 4.4).
Collaborative Word Processing and Spreadsheets
Ethnographic work can be a lonely, individual pursuit. However, increas-
ingly, it is a group or collaborative effort, involving multidisciplinary teams,
community members, and staff members. Collaborative word processing and
spreadsheets, such as Google Docs or Office Live Workspace with SharedView,
provide ethnographers with a tool to work closely (and collaboratively) with
people in the field, as well as colleagues on articles. In contrast to Word
Figure 4.4
Arkansas Tobacco Prevention blog
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