Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.2
Fetterman at Stanford videoconferencing with Native Americans
then enter the data into the same database. It still saves the ethnographer from
putting in 75% of the raw data. (See Best & Krueger, 2004; Ritter & Sue,
2007, concerning online surveys.)
File Sharing
I also set up virtual offices and workspaces on the Web to share draft mem-
oranda and reports with colleagues. Folders on specific topics can be created
on the Web, much as they are on a personal computer. They can be accessed
by colleagues at any time and from any place in the world with a wire or wire-
less modem connection. These folders help keep topics and comments orga-
nized and manageable. E-mail and listservs accomplish the same purpose but
can clutter electronic mailboxes, making it difficult to retrieve comments or
connect them with their reference document.
File sharing is also an option to facilitate the exchange of documents and
programs. File transfer protocol (FTP) software, such as Fletch, can be used to
transfer documents and programs from one computer to another across the
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