Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Quercus robur
C 18
C 16
C 14
C 28
C 18
C 12
C 22
C 32
C 20
C 26
C 30
C 10
C 24
Retention time
Quercus robur
C 16 OH
C 12 OH
C 14 OH
C 18
C 18
C 16
Retention time
Fig. 3.6 Distribution of fatty acyl moieties in modern Quercusrobur ( a ) Distribution of fatty
acyl moieties in total lipid extract. ( b ) Distribution of fatty acyl moieties in saponifi ed extract
from residue 1
the absence of vinyl phenol post saponifi cation also attests to the successful removal
of the cuticle. Acid hydrolysis post saponifi cation on selected leaves yielded a
blackish residue (residue 3, Fig. 3.1 ) and subsequent analysis revealed the presence
of lignin moieties but no aliphatic components.
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