Environmental Engineering Reference
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EIS: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; electrochemical technique to measure
FE-SEM: focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy; a tomographic technique to
study nanoporous solids
HPC-f: hierarchical porous carbon produced by absorption of the precursors on a cellu-
lose-based iber cloth
I U PAC : International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Macropores: according to IUPAC, pores with diameter >50 nm
Mesopores: according to IUPAC, pores with diameter between 2 and 50 nm
Micropores: according to IUPAC, pores with diameter <2 nm
N I PA M : N -isopropylacrylamide; PNIPAM monomer
NpC-CTAB: nanoporous carbon produced by carbonization of a resorcinol/formaldehyde
resin synthesized in the presence of CTAB
NpC-PDAMAC: nanoporous carbon produced by carbonization of a resorcinol/formalde-
hyde resin synthesized in the presence of PDAMAC
ODN: oligonucleotide; short DNA fragment carrying genetic ingerprinting pattern
PA A : polyacrylic acid; hydrophilic polymer-bearing -COOH groups
PA A m : polyacrylamide; hydrophilic polymer
PA M P S: poly(2-acrylamidepropansulfonic acid); polyacrylamide bearing sulfonic acid groups
PA N I : polyaniline; conducting polymer relatively hydrophilic and pH sensitive
PBD: probe beam delection; optical technique where a laser beam is shined parallel to the
electrode surface and the deviation is measured, which is related to instantaneous
concentration gradients
PDAMAC: poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride)
pKa: equal to −log( K a ), where K a is the acid constant that measures the acid strength of a
molecule or functional group
P N I PA M : poly( N -isopropylacrylamide); thermosensitive polymer
PNMANI: poly( N -methylaniline); conducting polymer, relatively hydrophobic
PPy: polypyrrole; hydrophobic conducting polymer, pH insensitive
RF: resorcinol-formaldehyde cross-linked resin
RHE: reversible hydrogen electrode; reference electrode ( E r = 0.0 V in the standard hydro-
gen scale)
SCE: saturated calomel electrode; reference electrode ( E r = 0.245 V vs. RHE)
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6. T.M. Benn, P. Westerhoff, Environ. Sci. Technol. , 42 (2008) 4133.
7. K. Van Hoecke, J.T.K. Quik, J. Mankiewicz-Boczek, K.A.C. De Schamphelaere, Environ. Sci.
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