Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Stormwater Runoff Treatment Using
Bioswales Augmented with Advanced
Nanoengi neered Materials
Hanbae Yang and Stephen Spoonamore
ABSMaterials Inc., Wooster, Ohio, USA
33.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 661
33.2 Key Market Drivers ......................................................................................................... 662
33.3 Functionality of Osorb Materials and Outcomes in Stormwater Systems .............. 663
33.4 Stormwater Industry ....................................................................................................... 665
33.5 Osorb and the Need for Innovations in Stormwater Technology ............................ 666
33.6 Legacy Stormwater Technologies Replaced by Nanoengineered Glass .................. 669
33.7 Estimation of Markets, Entry, and Product Reception ............................................... 669
33.8 Acceptance of Engineered Materials to Assist Distributed Stormwater Systems ... 670
33.9 Introduction in Laboratory ............................................................................................. 671
33.10 Development of Osorb-Metal Composites .................................................................. 671
33.11 Batch- and Column-Scale Testing .................................................................................. 672
33.12 Field-Scale Testing ........................................................................................................... 673
33.13 Bacterial Growth Testing ................................................................................................ 678
33.14 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 679
References ..................................................................................................................................... 680
33.1 Introduction
Bioretention systems have the potential for managing stormwater by reducing peak
runoff low and improving surface water quality in a natural and aesthetically pleasing
manner (Dietz, 2007; Davis et al., 2009). Most bioretention systems such as vegetated buf-
fers, rain gardens, and stormwater wetlands are designed to treat runoff by employing
iltration, deposition, adsorption, and iniltration through porous media (United States
Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA], 2004). However, the pollutant treatment
performance of these systems is highly variable and often less effective in the long term
because of the limited treatment capacity of ilter media (Davis et al., 2001; Hsieh and
Davis, 2005; Maurakami et al., 2008; Cho et al., 2009; Yang et al., 2010). Since bioretention
media compositions greatly affect pollutant removal mechanisms, development of differ-
ent media compositions is critical to determining bioretention performance.
ABSMaterials Inc. developed new ilter media to remediate multiple pollutants from
stormwater runoff by integrating a novel absorbent nanomaterial, Osorb ® , with embedded
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