Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
29. Collection and sustainable Architecture in Atacama Coast, 5th International Conference on Fog
Collection and Dew, Munster, Germany.
30. Andrews, H.G., Eccles, E.A., Schoield, W.C., Badyal, J.P.S., 2011. Three- dimensional Hierar-
chical structure for fog harvesting, Langmuir , 27:3798-3902.
31. Schernenauer, R.S., Cereceda, P., 1989. An Investigation of the Feasibility of Monsoon Fog and
Dnizzle Collection in the Dhofar Region of Southern Ornan , Project OMA/89/005, Environment 1
Atmosphenic Environment Serv., Ottawa.
32. Ingraham, N.L., Matthews, y R.A., 1988. Fog drip as a source of groundwater recharge in north-
ern Kenya. Water Resources , 24(8):1406-1410.
33. Crabbe, M., 1970. Frequence et Intensité de la Rosée en Afnique Centrale , Aoademie Royal des
Sciences d'Outre-Mer, Bulletin des Séances 3, BruxellesDe Fina, A. Bruxelles.
34. Olivier, J., 2002. Fog water harvesting along the west coast of South Africa, Feasibilty study,
Water, South Africa , 28(4):349-351.
35. Sung, C., 2010. Fog collection and sustainable architecture in Atacama Coast, 5th International
Conference on Fog Collection and Dew, Munster, Germany, July 25-30, Fogden, pp. 2010-2089.
36. Muñoz Carpena, R., Fernández Galván, D., González Tamargo, G., Harris, y P., 1995. Diseño
de una estación micrometeorológica automática de bajo coste para el cálculo de la evapotrans-
piración de referencia. Riegos y Drenajes XXI/N0 88. Articulo presentado en las XIII Jornadas
Técnicas sobre Riegos. Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife).
37. Bulletin de l'Observatoire du Puy de Dome, 1961. Compte Rendu du Meeting de Comparation
des Capteurs de Gouttelettes.
38. R., Sudzuki, O., Pollastri, A., 1989. Coastal fog and its relation to groundwater in the IV region
of Northern Chile, Comisión Chilena de Energia Nuclear , 79:83-91.
39. Aguas del Garoé, 1999. Captura de agua atmosférica.
40. Bouloo, J., 1993. De la toile d'araignée. au piége á brouillard , La Houille Blanohe 5, Paris.
Further Reading
Mallika Naguran environmental writer and founder of Gaia Discovery discussion on AWC. Avail-
able at http://www.gaiadiscovery.com.
1. Available at http://sqwater.be.washington.edu/wp/.
2. Available at http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycleatmosphere.html.
3. Available at http://www.nebi.n/m.nih.gov/pubmed/23212396.html.
4. Available at http://cury.eas.gatech.edu/courses/ency/chapter/Ency_Atm/Fogppt.html.
5. Available at http://climatetechwiki.org/content/fog-harvesting.
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