Graphics Programs Reference
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be in a different order for different bedheads. In this case the connectors
can be included in the host family and even flexed to be able to move to
the correct position (important for medical gas outlets) after the individual
devices have been arranged.
The OmniClass parameters are for classifying a family for sharing on
websites such as Autodesk Seek. If you share a family, it can be identified or
filtered based on its classification. This is also a way to associate the family
with a specification class. You do not need to assign an OmniClass number
to your families in order to share them. But if you do, that would be another
way you could filter elements in your schedule. The assembly code (which
uses Uniformat code, but an out-of-date version) can also do this—and can
be changed on a family type basis rather than all types of the family needing
to be the same. The OmniClass parameter is found under Family Category
code is found under Family Types and can be edited in the project by editing
the Family Type properties.
Geometry and Reference Planes
With the family category and parameters established, you can begin
modeling the geometry of your device family. It is a good idea to establish
the category right away because this activates device-specific parameters, if
applicable, and also because, once you start working, it is easy to forget until
you attempt to use the family in a project. It can be frustrating to work on a
family and load it into a project only to find that it is not available when you
click the button to place it in your model.
The amount of solid geometry that you include in a device family depends
projects. If your intent is to use devices only so their symbols are shown on
your plans and you are not concerned with 3D visualization, you can use a
simple box with the actual size. This at least lets you see the location of the
device in section and elevation views for coordination with things such as
casework, openings, and any other elements from all disciplines. If you do
require more detail, it can be more efficient to use detail items or symbolic
lines rather than more solid geometry.
Solid geometry is not required in order to place connectors into the family,
but it gives you a good reference point for the connectors. The default
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