Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Plumbing Fixture Families Are Not
Created Equal
Plumbing fixture families are not always created equal. Rather than
starting the family by modeling the front of the fixture oriented
appropriately in the front view, some modelers will just model in
whichever view is available. This has always been a problem in
Revit, and as more families become available, the issue will increase.
This can cause a few problems when aligning your fixture family to
the architect's or when replacing one fixture with another. For
additional information on hosting behaviors of families, please refer
to the section “Hosting Options” in Chapter 19.
As your skills grow and you start creating your own content, please
remember simple modeling etiquette. The family should be modeled
in the proper orientation. The Front, Back, Top, Bottom, Left, and
Right views should match the orientation of the product being
modeled. This will increase productivity when aligning other items
such as pipe assemblies under plumbing fixtures as well as avoid
issues with Copy/Monitor.
Various examples of both simple and complex plumbing fixture
families can be downloaded from Autodesk User Group
International ( ) and the Autodesk University website
( ).
5. You can add parameters to flex your piping to align it under a sink or
lavatory or to give a certain depth to account for a floor slab. You can
make these parameters as complex or as simple as you want (see Figure
15.15 ).
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