Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 13.25 shows server racks placed in the center of a room to allow for
the required clearances for the equipment.
Electrical Component Families
Detailed electrical equipment can be modeled using the Autodesk ®
Inventor ® software and the model can be exported as an ADSK file.
This file format can be used directly in your Revit project or in
component families that you create. Electrical connection points
transfer from the Inventor file to Revit during the export process.
Figure13.25 Server racks
Creating Power Distribution Systems
Having electrical equipment components in your Revit project enables you
to coordinate space requirements and interferences with other building
systems, but it also allows you to build intelligence into the model by
establishing distribution systems. Establishing the distributive relationship
between electrical components gives you the ability to keep track of loads
from the branch circuit panels all the way to the main electrical equipment.
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