Graphics Programs Reference
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You also need to define the detail level of the heating and cooling analysis
report. Three report detail levels are available:
• Simple, which contains summary data for systems, zones, and spaces
• Standard, which expands the simple report to include psychrometric
data as well as building-level summaries and load summary data for
each space
• Detailed, which further expands the data displayed to include individual
component contributions to zone and space loads
Before you finish, you must define the ground plane, the project phase, and
whether to include heating or cooling load credits, which are negative load
values that come from heat entering or leaving a space through a partition
into another zone, for example.
Before you run the analysis, you are given the opportunity to go through
your created zones and spaces to make sure your desired settings have
not been compromised and that there are no warnings that would produce
undesired effects on your loads. Switching to the Details tab, you can view
as shown in Figure 8.16 .
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