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Creating Zones
The next step in generating HVAC loads for your design building is to
group similar spaces into zones . The main purpose of zoning spaces in
an HVAC system is to provide common controllability of air quality or
condition within the zone's spaces. A single point of control by a terminal
of the spaces within its defined zone.
Creating HVAC zones within your building allows you to control the airflow
to given spaces, shut off airflow to areas that are not occupied, or increase
airflow to spaces when the space load increases via a signal from a
temperature sensor or other sensing device within the zone to a central
control panel. Zoning also allows certain spaces to be controlled via a
different system from that used in the rest of the building, such as having a
dedicated server room constant volume system active 24 hours a day, while
rooftop system on a typical office's 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule.
Zoning spaces in Revit MEP is easy. All spaces will be part of a zone called
tab, click Zone. This activates the Zone tool, and you are automatically
prompted to add the first space to the zone. Clicking a space adds it to the
the Finish Editing Zone button on the ribbon to end the editing session.
To edit a zone that has already been created, simply select the required zone
in the open view by clicking on the border drawn around the zone, and the
Modify | HVAC Zones contextual tab appears. Click the Edit Zone button,
and the Edit Zone contextual tab appears. Here, you are able to modify the
zone by adding or removing spaces. You can also select a zone by moving
your cursor over the center of it until the zone highlights for preselection.
This is indicated by a line that appears from the center of each space to the
center of the zone.
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