Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 6.1 Basic operators
Add: Length + Width
abs Absolute Value: abs (-5) will
return 5
Pi: pi() * (Radius 2)—the
circumference formula
Subtract: Length -
Connector Protrusion
Multiply: Width * Length sin Sine: sin (45)
Divide: Height/Length
cos Cosine: cos (45)
Exponent: Length 3
tan Tangent: tan (45)
Logarithm: log (100)
asin Arcsine: asin (45)
Square root: sqrt (49)
acos Arccosine: acos (45)
exp(x) E raised to an x power:
exp (2)
atan Arctangent: atan (45)
Less than
Greater than
Table 6.2 Conditional statements
if if statement
and Both statements are true
or One of the statements is true
not The statement is false
Sample Conditional Statements
Conditional statements are a very powerful way of controlling the behavior
of your Revit families. For the most part, conditional statements work
exactly the same way they do in Excel or any other program that supports
them. Here are few examples for the most common conditional statements:
Simple if Statements if(Neck Size<10″,16″,18″)if(Neck
Size<250mm, 400mm, 450mm)
Formula That Returns Strings if(Neck Size>10″,″Neck Size
is too Big “Neck Size is Correct”)if(Neck
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