Graphics Programs Reference
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The Sub-Discipline parameter can be used as the second level of grouping to
further distinguish views used for fire protection, plumbing, or other types
of engineering systems. This parameter exists in the default templates that
can be installed with Revit. If you choose to create a template or project
without starting with one of the default templates, you have to create a
parameter for this type of use.
example, both Wet Fire (sprinkler systems) and Dry Fire (detectors) come
under the same primary grouping even though they would usually come
under Plumbing and Electrical, respectively. Using a Sub-Discipline type
parameter makesitpossibletoseparateviewsintotheirspecificengineering
systems. You can have all your electrical views listed under the Electrical
discipline, but that may make it difficult to find views you want quickly.
Having a second-level grouping that puts all the lighting, power,
communications, and other systems views in their own groups creates a
more organized environment in the Project Browser.
The Family And Type property of a view is another commonly used level of
grouping. This is what defines your views as plan views, sections, elevations,
3D views, or ceiling plans. When you begin to annotate your views to place
them on construction documents, it is important to place the annotation in
the views that will be used on your sheets, so being able to easily locate the
proper view for annotation is important. Each grouping option can be set to
utilize all the characters of the parameter value or only a specific number of
leading characters.
Another popular method is to separate the views by Plot and Work for their
first level and again by another parameter for the subdisciplines (see Figure
2.44 ). This can be done through the creation of two custom parameters,
in this case View Group and View Type. What you name the parameters is
really not important as long as it makes sense to you. This method has more
flexibility because you can create additional first-level groups and not be
limited to the six disciplines using the Discipline parameter.
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