Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
1950s boom, many movie theatres were found to be presenting content that
caused significant visual discomfort to viewers, and even induced feelings
of nausea. Digital technology has enabled stereoscopic video to be post-
processed, and displays to be carefully calibrated. This means that it is now
possible to provide a guaranteed minimum Quality of Experience to viewers.
The first chapter also examines different 3D video formats, including
different stereoscopic frame packing formats, and the multi-view plus depth
format. The inclusion of depth information makes it easier for displays to
render intermediate views in between the real captured viewpoints. This
facilitates applications such as free-viewpoint video, where the user can
control their viewing angle interactively.
7.1.2 Chapter2:CaptureandProcessing
The second chapter of the topic deals with the capturing and preparation
of the content, which is one of the most important elements in the 3DTV
chain. The critical problems associated with the early 3D content/movie
productions included vertical parallaxes between the left eye and the right
eye channels, resulting from inaccurate rig construction; imperfections in
inter-axial distance computation disregarding perceptual comfort over long
periods of viewing; and also inconsistencies in processing of the left eye and
the right eye channels after filming.
All of these shortcomings have led to the careful and meticulous consider-
ation and set-up of 3D media acquisition and post-processing mechanisms.
The cameras need to be physically positioned in a way to prevent discomfort
for viewers. The cameras must also be carefully configured so that their
settings match precisely (e.g. focal length, shutter speed, etc.) for optimum
perceptual quality free of visual degradations.
The introduction of digital technology allowed a greater tolerance of
imperfections in the physical camera configuration. Digital post-processing
techniques allowed the camera views to be aligned by rectification, and
balanced the colour differences between them. This chapter explores how
stereoscopic and multi-view video can be captured using specially configured
camera rigs. In addition, it looks at the generic post-processing techniques.
Depth extraction techniques are outlined, which are essential for generating
content in the multi-view plus depth (MVD) format.
7.1.3 Chapter3:Compression
Compression is a substantial stage in the end-to-end 3DTV chain, where a
huge load of raw video information needs to be carried over bandwidth-
constrained networks. Compression had always played an important role in
traditional video communication systems, by enabling the video information
to be represented by a smaller number of bytes required to represent the
original signal, without any loss of information. Usually the volume of visual
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