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Fig. 8.26 Citation arcs from the publications of Drexel's iSchool ( blue arcs ) and Syracuse School
of Information Studies ( magenta arcs ) reveal where they differ in terms of both intellectual bases
and research frontiers
Fig. 8.27
h-index papers ( cyan ) and citers to CiteSpace ( red )
As one more example, Fig. 8.27 shows a comparison between two sets of records.
One is a set of papers on h-index (green, mostly appeared in the upper half)
and the other is a set of papers citing the 2006 JASIST paper on CiteSpace II,
mostly originated from the lower right part of the base map of citing journals. This
image shows that research in h-index is widespread, especially published in physics
journals (Blondel cluster #5) and cited journals in similar categories. In contrast,
papers citing CiteSpace II concentrated on a few journals, but they cited journals in
a wide range of clusters of journals.
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