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Tabl e 8. 4 Most cited references
Citation counts
Cluster #
Pittenger MF, 1999, Science, v284, p143
Thomson JA, 1998, Science, v282, p1145
Reya T, 2001, Nature, v414, p105 [Review]
Takahashi K, 2006, Cell, v126, p663
Takahashi K, 2007, Cell, v131, p861
Yu JY, 2007, Science, v318, p1917
Jain RK, 2005, Science, v307, p58
Jiang YH, 2002, Nature, v418, p41
Evans MJ, 1981, Nature, v292, p154
Al-Hajj M, 2003, P Natl Acad Sci USA, v100, p3983
The most cited article in this cluster, Takahashi 2006 (Takahashi and Yamanaka
2006 ), demonstrated how pluripotent stem cells can be directly generated from
mouse somatic cells by introducing only a few defined factors as opposed to
transferring nuclear contents to oocytes, or egg cells. Their work is a major
milestone. The second most cited reference (Takahashi et al. 2007 ), from the same
group of researchers, further advanced the state-of-the-art by demonstrating how
differentiated human somatic cells can be reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells
using the same factors identified in their previous work. As it turns out, the work
represented by the two highly ranked papers was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in
Cluster #7 consists of 40 co-cited references. The 10 selected citing articles are
all published in 2010. They cited 65-95 % of these references. The one that has the
highest citation coverage of 95 % is an article by Stadtfeld et al. Unlike works that
aim to refine and improve the ways to produce iPSCs, their primary concern was
whether iPSCs are equivalent, molecularly and functionally, to blastocyst-derived
embryonic stem cells. The Stadtfeld article itself belongs to the cluster. Other citing
articles also seem to question some of the fundamental assumptions or call for more
research before further clinical development in regenerative medicine.
The most cited articles are usually regarded as the landmarks due to their
groundbreaking contributions (See Table 8.4 ). Cluster #7 has 3 articles in the top 10
landmark articles. Each of Clusters #9, #12, and #15 has two. The most cited article
in our dataset is Pittenger MF (1999) with 2 , 486 citations, followed by Thomson
JA (1998) with 2 , 223 citations. The third one is a review article by Reya T (2001).
Articles at the 4th-6th positions are all from Cluster #7, namely Takahashi K (2006),
Takahashi K (2007), and Yu JY (2007). These three are also the more recent articles
on the list, suggesting that they have inspired intense interest in induced pluripotent
stem cells.
A citation burst has two attributes: the intensity of the burst and how long the
burst status lasts. Table 8.5 lists references with the strongest citation bursts across
the entire dataset during the period of 2000-2011. The first four articles with strong
citation bursts are from Cluster #7 on iPSCs. Interestingly, one 2009 article (again
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