Information Technology Reference
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Fig. 8.5 The structural variation method is applied to a set of patents related to cancer research.
The star marks the position of a patent (US6537746). The red lines show where the boundary-
spanning connections were made by the patent. Interestingly, the impacted clusters are about
boundary-spanning links are clusters #88 and #83, both labeled as recombination.
The map shows that multiple streams of innovation have moved away from the
course of older streams.
We conclude that structural variation is an essential aspect of the development of
scientific knowledge and it has the potential to reveal the underlying mechanisms
of the growth of scientific knowledge. The focus on the underlying mechanisms
of knowledge creation is the key to the predictive potential of the structural
variation approach. The theory-driven explanatory and computational approach sets
an extensible framework for detecting and tracking potentially creative ideas and
gaining insights into challenges and opportunities in light of the collective wisdom.
Regenerative Medicine
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 was announced on October 8,
2012. The award was shared by Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka for
the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent. The
potential of a cell to differentiate into different cell types is known as the potency
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